Events of the day

2004 – Hurricane Ivan makes landfall in Gulf Shores, Alabama as a Category 3 hurricane.

2005 – The Camorra organized crime boss Paolo Di Lauro is arrested in Naples, Italy.

2007 – One-Two-GO Airlines Flight 269 carrying 128 crew and passengers crashes in Thailand killing 89 people.

2007 – Security guards working for Blackwater Worldwide shoot and kill 17 Iraqis in Nisour Square, Baghdad.

2013 – A gunman kills twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard.

2014 – The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant launches its Kobani offensive against Syrian–Kurdish forces.

2019 – Five months before the COVID-19 stock market crash, an overnight spike in lending rates in the United States prompts the Federal Reserve to conduct operations in the repo market.


  1. you can make it more precise.,highlighting only the very important event.


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