Am I lured, for the tandem seconds I bide? So dark and grave, Is the shadow, I left behind? Do the tears I shed, Worth empty stares from the street I pace? From all these having said, _"Some food you must have"_; my mom coddled. To stave off my caress mom with no hesitation did I push, a morsel of toast and omelette into my mouth of swollen taste buds. A mouth all swelled up, stale did the bread seem. Brittle were my bones, Didn't I fear, for will it crumble? Couldn't consume more than a bite, Started it, to crack my appetite. Dropped my gaze did I to that moldy newspaper printed 2 years ago, With heavy sobs that tore from my throat, I attempted to read the very headline- _" Walnut stuck in throat led to the death of a 3-yr-old girl"_ Slumped I, my rigid body to the couch, Thought of those very scenes of lamentation. I kept wailing over her tiara, I held myself responsible for her death. "I could've rescued her, She would've been here with me.