

spare the rod and spoil the child was a dictum prevalent in the past.The children nowadays are too difficult to educate.They don't have much respect for their parents or for other adults. For this reason, parents dont know what to do with their children and they become despirate. Bcz of this despiration, they cant find other ways than beating their children to make them learn and disiplined i feel this can be useful in some cases if done in a controlled manner. But if u use the rod in excess, it can be causes serious problems for the child and also for the family. so the questions Comes, is it really necessary to beat children to educate them? 

              Many people think that if u educate a small child using the rod, beating him and punishment him, you can have a good control over him. They feel that they can some how know that the child behave well and that he will learn to have respect for his parents and others. They feel it would be easier to teach the child good manners by using the rod. 

          But rough treatment makes the child also behave in a cruel manner to others as he thinks cruety is an approved form of punishing somebody who does not do as you wish. One the other hand harsh treatment makes him tough. This thoughness can be very useful in future. Bcz he is sure to face difficulies and problems in life. A child brought up in a loving manner, in comfort and luxury, will feel puzzled. When he is faced with realities outside his home. 

         Punishment has its negative sides. It kills the initiative and curiousity in children. It makes them less adventous. They will grow into shy and withdrawn persons and they won't be respected by others. They will lose confidence and they will be always worried if their actions will be approved by others. 

            Scholars and psychologists differ in their views regarding using the rod on children. The fact is it is a highly controversial issue and there is no definite answer to the question "should the rod be spared? ". I remember a story. A criminal was about to be hanged and the judge asked him what his last wish was. He said he wanted to see his mother she was brought. The criminal embraced the mother, and as he was embrancing her be bit off. The tip of her nose. All were apalled at this heinous act he explained. If this women had used the road. When i did small mistakes, i wouldnt have grown into criminal and reached this stage ! Iwant this to be a warning to family who give their children freedom to do what they want. 
  Am sure he had a point.......


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