Celebrating 100 posts

oNe year, 100 posts, 8662 visitors ~ Happy b'day to my bLoG ! :) | My  cOrNer oF tHe wOrLd



Good Morning 🤗

   Today is September 15. Yes, our blog is one month old .The happiest thing about it is that the 100th post of the blog was made yesterday.Group1 is lucky enough to put that milestone post. It is the  post written by Anaka Vinu, entitled 'Place of Women in our Society'*.The blog is totally helpful to increase our writing skiII,if we use it properly.

Thanks on behalf of me and S2D to our  beloved class teacher Sreeja miss and Jaseem to give such an opportunity for us.

           - Adhila Ahamed


 *Tip: Click "Place of Women in our Society" to open 100th post.


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