

      Respected teachers and all my dear friends,a warm good morning to you all. 

I am much delighted here before you on this occasion to get a golden chance to speak a few words before you on the topic " education is the key to women empowerment". Today is a special day for women, march 08,World women day. 
Why march 08 is celebrated as women's day? Do you know? 

       Yes,it is the day when women are recognised for their achievements without regard to divisions whether national, ethnic,linquistic,cultural,
economic,or political. 

     Indian women have been suffering under the male dominated society for several centuries. It is high time that they be emancipated. In many places women are denied of freedom,education and equal right as men. They also had to face crucial moments,when the men saw them as toys. 

      How can we overcome these problems to make a dream India, where there is the complete security and equal rights for women as men. Yes, education can overcome these problems and it has a vital role in women empowerment.

        Do you know Christian Lagard?May be most of you know her, she is the first woman to become finance minister of G8 economy and to head the IMF. In her view,there are 3Ls essential for women empowerment. They are "learning" "labour" and "leadership". The first one learning is very important, it help themselves and to break the shackles of exclusion. 

       There are many blocks before women. In some regions, the society is not allowing women to step out from their houses. In some regions the parents have no money. In some other places there are no schools. Then how a woman get good education. So the government should ensure education to all women. A woman can empower when only they are given good education. 

     By learning, they became aware of different situations of the world and it helps them to overcome that challenging situations. Then they can find their innate abilities and talents,and they can contribute their true potential.

     There is an African adage that " if a woman is trained, then the whole village is trained. It means that if a woman is  
educated that knowledge will be transmitted to her children and from there to the society. So empowerment of women can also consider as the empowerment of society. 

  So education is the key to WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. 
      Thank you. Have a nice day😊

                           Author : Nihma kv


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