Appreciation of ANY WOMAN

Any woman

The poem “Any Woman" is an amazing poem. It is written by Katharine Tynan. She is an Irish born poet  known mainly for her novels and poetry.This poem enhances the beauty of motherhood. 
       The speaker of this poem is mother. Through out the poem, the mother is metaphorically comparing herself with the integral structures of a house. The poem says that it is because of the presence of mother,that a house gets complete.
    The mother is compared to pillars and keystone without which a house cannot exist, like when the mother is absent, the family cannot exist. A mother stands for being the foundation of the household who is loving, caring and supporting as well. She lays her warm and helping hands over the family and the children and helps them at their needs. She holds the family firmly and doesn't allows anyone to wander. A mother performs uncountable works throughout her life and doesn't complains about anything. She looks afer the house, decorates it, prepares meals, makes the bed and look after every arrangements. The most loving mind of mother can seen at the last stanza. She prays to the god to keep her alive till her children grow.


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