
Happy New Year - 2021


I AM FINE! - A grade winning poem in AI FEST poetry competition 2020 All India category II. -

  Have you ever felt the pain to the point, where it seemed like you don’t care? When you silently screamed for all the power to hold that tear back, But all at once you realize that the tissues that met your cheeks, Wasn’t wet anymore!   The rising sun unleashing its luminescence, To awaken the happy lives, She woke up to feel the breeze, The breeze around her seemed void, Just as her heart felt!   Her cheeks blushed in pain, eyes soddened with grief, Painful keepsakes all around her, and there she sat, all LOST.   So lost that she didn’t know what to feel, When in fact she do feel pain, She can’t believe that it’s real. She resided in dark fantasies, with a heart of mysteries, None to console. when she dreaded to be back whole.   She felt uneasy to deal, To deal with the numbness enveloping around her, She knew it was something from the past, The past she thought flew away from her But was actually clinging to her emotions.

Diego Maradona | A roller coaster life in pictures

Courtesy- The Hindu

Hue of Mind - Short Review

 Through this poem "Hue of Mind", I tried to portray a sister's desperate feelings over her little one's demise. It has been days since she ate properly, her body was weak, her mouth was all swollen, she wasn't able to eat anymore but she did, just to stave of her caress mother. Every little things that reminded about her 3-yr-old sister seemed like a ghost of weight in her heart. She had nothing to do with her sister's death but still held herself responsible & injected the sense of guilt into her life every now and then. Till the end of the poem, it is obvious that she led a terrible life and kept wailing over everything that happened before and was meant to happen! For her, Death wasn't just a mere DEATH, but a pace of time undergoing deterioration.      From the last line of the poem, I wanted to let the world know that death isn't just a death of memories, but those dead memories which've the capability to hold one on the horns of a dilemm

Hue of Mind (Poem)

  Am I lured, for the tandem seconds I bide? So dark and grave, Is the shadow, I left behind? Do the tears I shed, Worth empty stares from the street I pace? From all these having said, _"Some food you must have"_; my mom coddled. To stave off my caress mom with no hesitation did I push, a morsel of toast and omelette into my mouth of swollen taste buds. A mouth all swelled up, stale did the bread seem. Brittle were my bones, Didn't I fear, for will it crumble? Couldn't consume more than a bite, Started it, to crack my appetite. Dropped my gaze did I to that moldy newspaper printed 2 years ago, With heavy sobs that tore from my throat, I attempted to read the very headline- _" Walnut stuck in throat led to the death of a 3-yr-old girl"_ Slumped I, my rigid body to the couch, Thought of those very scenes of lamentation. I kept wailing over her tiara, I held myself responsible for her death. "I could've rescued her, She would've been here with me.

Congrats Afrah Pandikkadan

  Hai, "We may be an abled one, But only when we use it For our success, It becomes meaningful, Isn't it?" All India Forum for English Students scholars and Trainers ( AIFEST ) had organised an All-India Poetry Competition on 15 th November 2020. It worths a great pleasure immersed with proud for PPM HSS Kottukkara on the achievement of Afrah Pandikkadan of S1A. She had won 3rd place on category 2 poetry competition of AIFEST on her poem entitled " Hue of Mind   " * . Warmest congratulations on her achievement. So pleased to see her accomplishing great things can be fetes. Thank You Have a nice day. *Click view that post.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

School life gives ever green moments and memories to many of us. It is the place where we get our first learning, friends, teacher, homework, punishment and much more things that make the best part of our life.  It is one of the best period of human life. It helps us to shape our character, our mental attitude nd basic principles of life.   When I think of my schooldays it fills my mind with happiness and nostalgic memories .  Those are the golden days where we got many friends, enjoyed their company, shared our happy, sad moments and lunch with them, played together, did gossips and had lot of fun. That goooodmorrrrrniiiing teacher song, The excitement we had when we first started learning to write with pen,that kiddo age is unforgettable.Happiness when we get leisure periods or when the teacher is absent and bunking class with friends are some of the blooming memories.   In everyone’s life we have our favorite teacher who played a major role. Other than our parents it is the class

School Life

When days were of happiness....when days were of friends.. When days were of tiffin boxes....where holidays glow our faces Where fighting is of pencil and rubber." Those were the best memories of our life" Sweet school.... my school  Most irritating moments            morning alarm  Most dreadful journey            Way to class Most wonderful news           Teachers is absent  Most tragic moments             Test paper  Most lovely time            Meeting friends  "Our school days we will miss" One of good moments in life  And as the final day arrive " They were the best days of our lives" - Shirin (Group 4_S2D)

NSS - Children's Day Programme

 - NSS

Through the Pathways travelled by our Blog

  - S2D

Wishes by Principal on the progress of our Blog


World Science Day - Message by NSS

  - NSS

Interview with Shaheen Mistri

Courtesy : SRG English GBMHSS Perinthalmanna

Interview with Sudha Murty

  Courtesy : SRG English GBMHSS Perinthalmanna

My School My Home

         There is a saying that school is the second home and the teachers are the second parents. And that it should be true for everyone who is at school. I feel school is like a paradise, there are lots of friends for us and we share every moments with each other. My teacher helps me learn the things I need to learn to become a responsible citizen of the country.Just like my mother who is teaching me always do good and strive for excellence, my teachers are doing the same.           At school i have lots and lots of brothers and sisters.They are my classmates and schoolmates.They make me happy.It is one of the wonderful times of my life. Everyday, i find more friends. School gives me lots of opportunities, to be good and to do what is good. It helps me become more confident with myself. School does not help me learn things but teaches me to do things. My loving and caring teachers give me inspiration to give my best. Iam learning happiness here in my second home like in my own home


      "" SÏ…rroÏ…É´d yoÏ…rÑ•elÒ“ wιтн тнe dreαмerÑ• αɴd тнe doerÑ•, тнe вelιeverÑ• αɴd тнιɴĸerÑ•, вυт мoÑ•Ñ‚ oÒ“ αll, Ñ•Ï…rroÏ…É´d yoÏ…rÑ•elÒ“ wιтн тнoÑ•e wнo Ñ•ee É¢reαтɴeÑ•Ñ• wιтнιɴ yoÏ…, eveÉ´ wнeÉ´ yoÏ… doÉ´'Ñ‚ Ñ•ee ιт yoÏ…rÑ•elÒ“.     ""              As usual, after sitting for our public examination,we will leave the school forever as a student. We will throw the uniform and started to walk to our new set of Dream. However anywhere we go or any place we transfer to will not be the same as the school. Besides father and mother, the school taught us to be an excellent person. After leaving the school,we feel very sad and lost of something. We also want the time to turn back so that we can stay again at the school. But, what will we missed the most when I leave the school? Another thing that I would miss the most is my friends. I might find new friends when I go to another place but it is possible that I can meet the same friends as when I was in my school time. I will remember them because th

Warm Welcome to Newcomers



 - Malayala Vedi (PPM HSS Kottukkara)

Introduction to the post KERALAPPERUMA

Hai, I am Aman Ahmmad, a member of the club Malayam Vedi.I am here to introduce "Keralapperuma", the video of Kerala Piravi celebration by my club Malayala Vedi. First of all I would like to share few things about the club 'Malayalam Vedi'. Malayalam Vedi is a club of our own Bava Sir. But it is more than an organization, it is a force that unites all students of PPM HSS Kottukkara. Malayalam Vedi not only helps us to find our talents but also gives us proper guidance in this regard. Malayalam Vedi provides more opportunities to learn more about societies and culture.  As we all know, we are all in the grip of the pandemic situation, but we Malayalam students will never ever give up, we are really fighting against Corona, this year we celebrated Kerala Piravi in a different way. Like a virtual Onam celebration, Sir collected our creative videos and created a video. Bava Sir ensured that all students had the opportunity to participate in it. Sir did not forget to incl

64 th Born Day For KERALAM

A new state is born on 1st November 1956. It the result of the decision of Indian Parliament to unite different Indian territories on the basis of language they spoke.Hence the kingdom of Chera Rajas became the tiny state of keralam.The princely states of Travancore, Venad ,and Malabar are united into one state of Indian union with a common tongue ,Malayalam. This is the moment of  pride and renewed commitment. As keralites we uphold our own values which is always distinct from other Indian states. We bow our heads in obeisance to the memories of our great ancestors.They had given the strong edifice for our state to flourish on our  distinct identity. Apart from the narrow regionalism , we succeeded in creating a pan malayalam feeling.Malayalee is so ubiquitous in every nook and corner of the globe. So on this special day let's remind about how we made our past,the way we live our present and the possible prospectives of our future. - Sreeja Miss


lt was a sunny morning. A bright Sunday. The sun poured through my window .Another day had dawned bringing with it new hopes and aspirations .Sundays are usually relaxing days .And we chose Calicut Beach for relaxing ,me and my sisters were very much enthusiastic and set out to Calicut Beach after lunch.    But everything went wrong after reaching Calicut Beach. The beach was chock-a-block with tourists. so we thought of exploring Street foods. The delicious Aroma of Panipuri, pickles Greenpeas..... wow! it was superb.          The night ambiance of beach was incredible...a different world of Hustle and bustle.... the Aroma of delicious street food the echoing of was just like a festive night. Sea was calm. The sound of sea was calming under the full moon. The sky was magnificent with moon light.   Suddenly my ears stuck with a song.. A tuneful.. melodic.. lilting song. My ears were searching and my eyes were running hither and thither for that soothing sound.But I fail

Introduction to Guest Writer

 Hai, What will you do for someone who needs your help when you are at extreme pleasure, Do you help them or will flow in the current of pleasure that everyone does around you?These questions are more moral than just personal? Isn't it? Here is a wonderful memoir of trip," The Exhilaration Of Satisfaction " *  by Shada from S2B. First of all on behalf of S2D family we are wishing a warm welcome to Shada and thanking for being our guest writer. Have a nice day. Thank you. *Click to view that Post .

Your Dreams Are Your Limitations

 Highschool days,a bit good with computers and stuffs,he thought he would become an engineer,a tech geek who's life chair revolves around computer table. It was much later that he developed interest in architecture too,may be because he was close to his own house warming. Not a single conventional thought of becoming a doctor came to his mind. Soon that 16 year old boy took computer science in the same school he studied for the past 3 years.Wanted to be an Architect,he said. Although excelled in all subjects,he asked himself "what does architect do?" "Just building things?!" "Is that something meaningful?" "should i spend all my life building!" "In what should i invest my precious life?". Very soon all these questions and search for meaning filtered out the desire to be an architect.It isn't my way,he said. A teenage boy,deeply introverted,less talkative was flowing through thoughts and day dreams,of what ,what he should do with

Introduction to our Second Guest Writer

Hai, Who am I ?, Why I'm the way I'm ?  These may some of the questions that runs through our thoughts in these fag end of teenage days. And also ,Have you ever thought what would be our memory of todays school life after two years?  We're sure that these questions of a teenager could be aroused by the inspirational write-up, " Your Dreams Are Your Limitations " *  from our super-senior Raza Ahammed N who is currently pursuing Bachelor of Psychology in Farook college. A computer science student in S2A, Raza became the state champion in multi media presentation in that years IT fest.  Dear brother, your introspective writing gave us a new perspective on life.The much celebrated, 'chasing dreams,' as purpose of life ,is redefined through your thought inducing write up.  We are really overwhelmed in having you as our guest writer. S2D family is indebted to you for receiving such a wonderful write up. Have a nice day. Thank you. *Click to view that POST.

The Story Behind The Fairy Chimneys In Cappadocia

  Shinas babu here with the most exciting fact about a place named Cappadocia, situated in the Asian side of Turkey. Cappadocia is famous for it’s beautiful view of the fairy chimneys. Turkey is one of my favourite place and I lost my chance to visit Cappadocia this year due to the amid outbreak of coronavirus in march and had to cancel our visas and tickets. Hurts the most!💔.   Here are some of the facts and story behind the fairy chimneys. Cappadocia’s famous ‘fairy chimneys’, a surreal landscape of carved-out towering rock formations, change color with every sunset. But how did these strange natural growths emerge? We take a look at the tale behind Turkey’s most majestic rocks. The rock formations that have made Cappadocia one of the most popular destinations in Turkey emerged due to a geological process that began millions of years ago. Ancient volcanic eruptions blanketed the region in thick ash, which later solidified into a soft rock called ‘tuff’. When the natural forces of wi

DOWN MEMORY LANE:A Retrospection On My Childhood

  Retrospection. The most powerful form of reflection which one steps out of immediate past to consider it from Vantage of present."So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past". Scattered memories of childhood are like partially lost pieces of a huge mosaic. I still can vividly picture the white lies and prankful omissions we chattered for the survival. As one grows up, one longs more and more for his or her childhood, the best period of one's life .The charm of childhood cannot be forgetten. Having no anxieties, worries or work. A child is free from the dirty and filthy noise of wordly life. As I grow older ,I look back with great nostalgia to my childhood days filled fun and frolic. My childhood glimmers with memories of visits to grandma's house and a solitary teddy bear.In those days, there existed a world where every day was an adventure and the aim was to explore as much as possible as quickly as possible. I ,along with my sist

Introduction to 200-th Post

  Hai, After navigating through the nine weeks long journey of S2D along English Blog with our creative pieces of writing, we are providing this opportunity to guest writers. As part of this we have Hida from S2B with a wonderful memoir on her childhood, entitled "  DOWN MEMORY LANE : A Rerospection On My Childhood   " * . Surely it  would took you back to your childhood memories.  First of all, on behalf of S2D family, we are wishing a warm welcome to our first guest writer. Her post also has one more speciality, it is 200-th post. ie, the English Blog have two reasons to be celebrated. This week is a open chance for all guest writers, you can contact Sreeja Miss to publish your creative writing.Thankyou Sreeja Miss for your great support and thanks Hida for being the first guest writer... Have a nice day. Thank You. * Click to view that POST.


         It was an amazing week and was so happy to work on this blog. And now our time is up. Hope you all have gone through our blog.         Even though we are suffering a lot in this year one thing we have to remind is that every thing is gonna be alright. Let's hope for  better days. It's so true that we all miss those days, the days we go to our school, meet our beloved friends and teachers and the precious time spend with them. Let's hope we could get it back soon.          Thank you for all the support from your side to this blog.  Thank you, Have a great day. Ziyana (editor of 2nd group) Group members - Neha Backer -Hafeefa Thasni P -Nasreena OK -Fathima Hasna C -Fathima Rishma KP -Fathima Rifa MK -Nanditha K

Kafka 🌹

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, walked through the park in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully. Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her. The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter "written" by the doll saying "please don't cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures." Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka's life. During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable. Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin. "It doesn't look like my doll at all," said the girl. Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: "my travels have changed me.&qu

#SwipeRightToTravel - Travelogue

Last year i travelled to two places -Manali and Kasol with my friends  It was a wonderful experience that i cant forget for the rest of my life. It was my first time with my friends as i usually like to travel with my family. Talking about my kasol trip ,first of all kasol as all of us know is famous for its charas i.e MALANA cream and trust me its worth it..???? We reached kasol on christmas and the atmosphere there was very cheerful, and next day we headed towards manikaran  , we found a gurudwara there and it is really a wonderful place ❤ They won't charge you for living , eating, all of them for free. So we stayed there for 2 days . after that we headed towards barsheni gao and from there we trecked about for an hour and half to reach TOSH  . Tosh has such an Awesome View ???? that can make you forget about all of your tensions in life , it is Surrounded by mountains and one can easily see and feel the beauty of mountains there. So we stayed there for one day and on next day

Quote Of The Day


Events Of The Day

EVENTS OF OCTOBER 11 2015 : Presidents Cup Golf, Jack Nicklaus GC Korea: Zach Johnson and Phil Mickelson go undefeated as US wins for the 6th successive time with a 15½–14½ victory over the International team 2016 : South Korean firm Samsung announces it will permanently stop production of Note 7 phones after complaints devices caught fire 2017 : TripAdvisor customer poll names The Black Swan in Oldstead, North Yorkshire, world's best restaurant 2018 : World's new longest flight flies from Singapore to Newark Airport, New Jersey takes 17 hours 52 mins 2018 : Russian Soyuz spacecraft makes emergency landing when rocket fails two minutes after liftoff, with American astronaut and Russian cosmonaut aboard 2019 : Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli scores career-best 254 not out to move past 7,000 Test runs on day 2 of the 2nd Test against South Africa in Mumbai; India wins by an innings and 137 runs

Women Ain't A Toy

Women ain't A Toy      Rape is the most violent crime which is commited against women.sexual violence against women is pervasive in india.popular culture equates masculinity with sexual aggression and encourage men and boys to bully and harass women.According to annual report atleast 2 women are raped in every 1 hour  and maximum rape cases are reported from Rajasthan and Uttarpradesh.cases are being reported where minors and elderly women are being raped.       The brutal gang rape and murder of a girl at Hathras in india shook the world. .It was so brutal that the accused had chopped the tongue of the victim,a 19 year old young girl..In Trivandrum 2 minors were raped by twin brothers on 6 october 2020, one 15 year old and other 5 year old.The brothers allegedly raped little girls several time. In a sugar cane field at mithya village 3 year old girl found brutalised and murdered . It has confirmed that she was raped  before being killed. 85 year old women get raped in

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