'Any Woman'
Katharine Tynan's 'Any woman' is a deeply touching poem which addresses us the love and care of mothers.
The poem opens with the central metaphor of the house.The mother says, she is the pillars of the house, she is the keystone of the arch and without her the roof and wall would fall and the house would be ruined.
The mother is not only the foundation of the household and she is the life,light,and love that fills the entire house.In second stanza we can see the roles played by a mother like the sun which warms the earth.She is the source of warmth to the whole family.
We can see the mother spreading her hands, supporting her children and she become the source of love and life for her dearest and precious kids.
Mother is also like a twist that holds the stranda together. She holds her children in a sacred ring of love and care.
Finally she describes the chores which is doing daily in the house and it is a wonder which she has thousands hands.She decorates the house, spin the curtains, gets the table ready for food and makes their bed.
She walls against the wind and snow protects from danger. And the poem ends with the prayer of mother that keep her alive until her children grow.
The poem shows how indispensable women is in the family. The poem uses the rhyme scheme abab.(eg: hearth- earth, sun-stone). Use of alliteration like 'light of love alive and 'the twist that holds together' give the poem more beauty. Metaphor is the great figure of speech used in the poem.(eg: She is the keystone of the arch, the roof and the wall, etc.. )
- Saja fathima
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