Women in India now a days suffer a lot of problems in their daily life. Even though there are equal rights for both men and women,but the people are not obeying such rules.Women are really respected in every conditions and fields,but if we take a brief look they are still living with fear .Each day we hear horrible crimes in India.
This should change when every single person raise their voice for this. Every women should walk at midnight without any fear. When this happens, then only there's a value for Indian rules "Right to Equality".It is extremely painful to watch the status of women's safety in India, especially in a country where women are given the status of goddesses in various parts of the country. Women should catch confidence theirselves in every difficult conditions.
This list should never continue as before. The women's shade is there in every single person's life. So respect respect and respect...
- Ahammed Sameeh
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